2023 Lessons learned – the UN and its organs - the IOM, IPCC and WHO - are the embodiment of evil and will lie, cheat and steal to foment a "One World Government" - a Cult based on Maoism and Marxism
2023 was a tough year, though better than the prior three years.
It’s not been all about politics, though that has played a large part in keeping people miserable, confused and fearful. Were it not for politics, the quaity of life would have recovered even more - though “Plus ça change plus c’est la même chose!”, right?
I am going to vent a little in this post celebratory New Year’s Eve. Regular readers can skip this entirely!
There’s plenty of finger pointing to do as we enter 2024.
(Note: I am not forgetting that Trump was POTUS and CinC over 2017 to 2020 with an executive branch or that Congressional oversight was in place also, when a whole bunch of bad actors were conspiring to create this C19 global genocide,
Big Pharma has been revealed as a pusher of harmful and toxic products in order to perpetuate demand for even more harmful and toxic products.
Who would have thought that politicians and health regulators would continue to recommend injecting instructions for the body to manufacture an even more venomous version of the spike protein than inhaling the venom of the “natural” spike protein?
Curious minds want to know why it is ok for politicians and scientists to approve spending billions of bucks on developing the spike venom and spend zero developing the anti-spike venom?
Key point: the C19 mRNA injections are not a “countermeasure” – they are a weapon, ergo a “measure” aimed at the civilian population of the world.
Why is there not a race to develop a REAL countermeasure against this weapon/measure? Where is the urgency in big pharma and the alphabet soup of defence and health agencies – or in universities?
Perhaps synthesizing the Neanthes japonica (Izuka) worm will do the trick.
(100) Friday Hope: Degrading the Spike Protein: Neanthes japonica (Izuka) (substack.com)
Maybe its stem cell research. Who knows? The question is, why is there not the urgency to develop an actual countermeasure to the weapon/measure and why is the compensation for death and wounds inflicted by the weapon not being treated as actual wounds and death by federal agencies and insurance companies?
Friday Hope: Stem Cells: Evidence for Successful Treatment in Acute COVID (substack.com)
Maybe there is some combination of a molecule with a Carbon/Hydrogen base plus one or two other elements like Nitrogen/Oxygen/Boron/Chlorine/Sulphur that is just waiting to be discovered?
Note: None of the compounds in the above link are bleach - NaOCl
We are entering the fifth year of C19 – the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE) is over.
See if you can spot the roll-out of the “vaccines” in these two charts – hint: the majority of 799 million “cases” and 7 million deaths with C19 present occurred during the roll-out of the injections and tailed off when people stopped taking the injections – slap bang in years 2 and 3 of the “pandemic”.
Coronavirus Graphs: Worldwide Cases and Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.info)
The WHO claims that without the injections, there would have been billions more cases and tens of millions more deaths.
Blatant lies of course. The truth is that the injections reduced the ability of the immune system to prevent infections and brought forward the dates of death for tens of millions.
All in one massive and failed experiment in a technology that had never been tried in a “live” pandemic.
We discovered that not only did the mRNA injections fail their clinical trials AND their post-marketing authorisation reports, but the manufacturers also demonstrated incompetence and disregard for public safety.
We learned that these criminal acts were censored by governments to hide the murderous treatment protocols in 2020 – which caused 95% of the reported C19 deaths – a fraud – based on instructions for lockdowns, masking, social distancing mandated by the WHO via existing 2005 International Health Regulations. Governments globally had to conform to measures as per those regulations as soon as a PHEIC was declared.
The WHO went “ultra vires” and overturned every pandemic preparedness plane in every country. The WHO falsely used the IHR 2005 to do this in March 2020.
This censorship and these mandatory measures are about to be strengthened by amendments to IHR 2005 – in a meeting in four months’ time – more censorship, more mandates and greater discretion to declare a pandemic from monkeys or zebras or badgers or mosquitoes or whatever, in the opinion of the horribly incompetent and non-medical doctor heading up the WHO.
The WHO and its fellow members of what I call the Cult of Moloch are intent on letting people starve and die of non-C19 diseases as long as they get injected up the wazoo.
Ask how successful the WHO has been over decades of HIV-AIDS, TB and malaria infections? Yet, somehow, politicians are somehow content to permit their own people be subject to their incompetence with experimental mRNA spike venoms and censorship of any and all objective debate. All this compounded by literally tens of billions of dollars of various government aid programs spent for decades. The incompetence and corruption are appalling. Remember, the starving does not face a food problem, they face a logistics problem. Ten billion a year would feed the starving (actually I think it was 6 billion in an exchange by some official ad Elon Musk).
Let’s move onto another UN organ – the UN IPCC and the “Net Zero” climate change targets that are part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s leave aside the paedophilia and child sex enabling parts of those “Goals” and just check out the “faux science”.
In this link you will see the “faux science” fully exposed. There is no climate emergency, the models used by the UN IPCC cannot even replicate the climate of the past. The UN IPCC is a cartoon that cannot work out the impact of one of the biggest impactors on the climate – clouds.
Sea levels are NOT increasing any faster than they have for centuries, the models are based on 6,000-year lows I global temperature ad, of course, more CO2 means more food for the world’s growing population.
You never know, maybe the carton characters can provide an assessment of whether the eruption at Hunga Tonga was responsible for the #2heat wave” in Europe in 2022 and maybe El Nino?
Lastly, we come to the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM).
It is a human trafficking operation, plain and simple. The IOM traffics humans from the third world to the US, Canada, UK and Europe – NOT to other countries with large populations like India and China, or Brazil and Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or Russia, Japan or Vietnam.
These countries may seem poor, but that is relative. On a net debt to GDP basis they are not, nor are they running the same massive fiscal deficits as the US and the EU.
The UN and its organs are costing the western nations trillions of dollars by making them poorer – not by enriching the third world, just by wealth destruction.
An insidious, corrupt and evil organization that has lost sight f its mission and moral compass.
Rant over!
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Make that a DEATH cult.
Great post here Peter!
'Curious minds want to know why it is ok for politicians and scientists to approve spending billions of bucks on developing the spike venom and spend zero developing the anti-spike venom?'
And there is the crux of the whole game. No incentives for established drugs for symptom relief, and despite decades long attempts to find a 'cure' or 'vccine' againt the common cold all of a sudden the ONLY way out is a 'vaccine'.
That's what the whole thing has been about since day one. I also think they had to shove it out in the back end of 2019 as they already had a lot of the marketing material and labels done up with the C-19 name it was their last chance to use it. I think they took a bet that, despite having a forced hand, they felt they were close enough for it to stick. They nearly got away wth it too, but the inherent problems from the injections may just backfire on them. Big style. Lets' hope so, eh.
Thanks Peter, happy new year.