Creating synergy – crossing three streams of proton beams of knowledge to preventharms and cure C19
The sum is greater than the parts!
This article does not deal with the political response to the pandemic on the advice of corrupt and incompetent health agencies, lunatic scientists, enabled by the propaganda of the MSM. A political response that discarded decades of tried and tested epidemic procedures in favour of global dominance and the creation of a world of excited misery for no benefit to anyone but the money hungry and psycho/sociopathic that view the human race as a planetary infection.
It is coming up for five years since the “outbreak” or “lab leak” of C19 either from Wuhan or at multiple locations.
The volution of the virus or spike protein or whatever has been determined at the Angstrom level:
We might view this as Stream 1. It is almost as if we are dealing with a new life form, I that has been created by man, or batwoman or the military.
I will leave it to experts to determine whether the most important aspect is the mapping of the surface area is the virus or the spike protein.
We have seen the volution of the detection of either the virus or the spike protein at particular amplification cycles using various methods from RT-PCR or RAT or blood titres or immune system responses via T-cells or B-cells or IgG’s 1-4 (and the changing interactions of IgG1 “stalks” with IgG4 “stalks”, but the arms of either).
The identification, diagnosis and evolution of the SARS-COV2 virus that is generally accepted as causing COVID19 (proven cause and effect?) is Stream 1. Dozens of scientists and medics looking at the virus and diagnosing the disease. Lots of diagnostic tools, instruments and tested hypotheses and theories for the C19 infection and disease.
Stream 2 is treatment of the disease, or more accurately its many manifestations. There is some crossover between “long C19” and injection harms, but here let’s look at damage caused by the evolving spike protein attached to the virus.
Suffice to say, no cure has yet been identified that works as a “one size fits all”. Here’s a few candidates:
Side note: the clinical trials for the experimental gene modifying injections had just one clinical end point – to reduce symptoms of the disease, turning everyone into asymptomatic carriers. They were not designed to cure the disease or prevent infection from the virus. The intention may have been to provoke an immune response to the spike protein, but it was not tested on those with other health conditions, or kids or the elderly, pregnant women. I struggle with the concept of provoking an immune response I the vulnerable who have an almost non-existent immune response or who are especially vulnerable to toxins.
Here’s a follow up to the Dr Patterson approach to monocytes associated with long C19. Written a year or so ago:
Two Years Later: Bruce Patterson, Long COVID, ME/CFS/FM and the Poll - Health Rising
” That means that the two drug Maraviroc and Prevestatin combo is not always the be-all and end-all treatment. At times further testing and other treatments may come into play.”
Originally covered here:
Which brings us to Stream 3 – NOT the spike protein harms - the identification id, and damage caused by, the adulterations ad contaminants in the manufacturing process.
Quick side note – it is odd that no analysis has been done on the final stage of manufacturing process - ”finishing” - via thawing and injection of the devil’s brew – from the doses delivered to freezers, to their removal and “shaking” up, to injecting int the deltoid muscle via aspiration, or directly into a vein – like the junkies do with heroin. Mind you, I have some nagging doubts about IVM blocking ACE2 receptors – it might stop the spike protein, but these receptors are there for a reason (Dr Ardis says that nicotine is 10x more effective!).
We know that the actual Pfizer brew tested in the clinical show trials was not the same as the brew rolled out to billions of people – completely different. Pfizer injections were adulterated with SC40 and were contaminated with all sorts of crap. In short, the “vaccines” were badly made/ If the quality of manufacturing was applied to the making of cars, planes or baby powder, let alone defective bullets for guns, they “vaccines” would have bee withdrawn in a heartbeat and the manufacturers fined billions, if not shut down.
Long time subscribers will recall this:
Vile Vials - by Peter Halligan - Peter’s Newsletter (
Covid19 remedies - the legal ones - by Peter Halligan (
Covid19 remedies - the legal ones - by Peter Halligan (
21 U.S. Code § 351 - Adulterated drugs and devices | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
21 U.S. Code § 360d - Performance standards | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
To which we can add this:
The known contaminants in the “vile vials” were removed with even more contaminants (or the removal was attempted anyway).
We also have this:
And this:
All sorts of contaminants – including almost all the base metals in the Periodic Table!
All this on top of the work done by Kevin McKernan:
And the ongoing work by him and others like Dr Jessica Rose o the association between these adulterations and contaminants with the reports of adverse events.
(100) Returning to dsDNA contamination by diving into VAERS (
I am sure there are more updates from everyone involved on their Substack’s!
So, three streams, each of which addresses/attacks one aspect of the novel pathogen, created by man. Each uses sophisticated tools, but I wonder how much cross-pollenization and synergy is being missed.
We have descriptions of the (virus and?) spike protein at the Angstrom level ( equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimetre, 10 metre, used mainly to express wavelengths and interatomic distances), we have the RT-PCR test for detection of particle fragments, we have “staining”, we have fluorescent and electron microscopy for particle detection of base metals – and yet, there is not yet any cure.
Horses for courses, of course.
No-one is “anti-vaxx”.
We simply don’t want. We do not want “steenking vaccines” – we want unadulterated and uncontaminated vaccines that actually work to precent deadly diseases.
Unfortunately, big pharma does not have the quality to do this ad the health regulators are even worse at enforcing quality control standards.
If only we had a World Health Organisation to “have our backs” rather than promoting death and misery on a global scale.
The Ghostbusters brought three streams from their proton packs together to kill Zul. Maybe there is a way to synergistically bring the three streams above together in the same way.
All this diagnostic effort to debunk experimental injections and prevent contamination/adulteration in the manufacturing process applies to all the plans to inject animals, reptiles, birds, fish and pets with an already failed experimental toxic soup.
An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!
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