Thanks Peter. Very useful .... for beginners. Lots missing. A bit of a kerfuffle on Sasha L.'s site from "Outrageous" substacker who just got him/herself banned for pointing this out.

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At first glance... this looks amazing. Thanks for sharing it Peter.

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Thank you for sharing this!

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You are welcome.

I confess to being a little miffed at the numbers extracted from EUDRA that don't tie up with this:


A HUGGGGE difference!

Also, there is no mention of any under-reporting factor in the adverse events section for either EUDRA or VAERS

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/refresher-on-the-under-reporting Factor (URF) – The Giant Syringe in the Room

somewhere between 10 (optimistic) and 100 (historic Lazarus report) - probably 30-40, tailing lower depending on the obvious nature of a "spontaneous" event.

the URF in Europe is likely around 70.

So, multiply VAERS events by 30-40 and EUDRA by 70!!!!

I suspect the URF has been increasing steadily in both areas as the time since the injection gets more remote.

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Is it possible for you to publish a companion to the book with your data?

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The authors want to stand on as firm ground as possible - conjecture would damage this.

I am not so constrained!

Here is a link to potential URF's for the US


and here:


Keep in mind I have only a laptop - others like Denis Rancourt and Ed Dowd have done more rigorous and deeper work on deaths and disabilities.

Some Rancourt stuff

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/denis-rancourt-there-was-no-c19-respiratory disease, hospital protocols killed people, withholding anti-biotics from the poor killed people – 13 million dead globally, 330,000 in the US

plus this for a four month period in 2021 in India

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/did-the-roll-out-of-approximately 350 million doses in India between April-July 2021 cause 3.7 million deaths?

Some Ed Dowd stuff

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/source-tells-ed-dowd-december-group Life extra death numbers for under 44 year old Americans – up 43%, 45-64 year old excess deaths up 35%

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/from-the-giant-syringe-in-the-room-f17 Ed Dowd takes a look at the increase in disabilities post-vax (distinction between temporary and permanent disabilities?)

Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch have done a pile of detailed work.

So, whilst not a "companion" there is a lot of stuff out there that extends the work done by the very smart authors. Their base is solid - mine and others is conjecture.

I am sure that the narrative will develop. If you check my weekly you will see a chart that shows over half a million USA extra deaths for each year 2020, 2021 and 2022 - compared to pre-C19 years. The book does not seek to explain these deaths or extend into non-US extra deaths. This will be the clincher. Millions more died than should have because of medical and pharma interventions. Right now, it is as Stalin said "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic". This cannot stand, so let's allow the narrative to evolve some more and pray that extra deaths do not increase and actually decline because of "dry tinfer".

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Thank you for the links!

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You are welcome.

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I can certainly understand being miffed at their ridiculous numbers. Do you any idea why they didn’t use the 50,000+ number? Are they aware of that report or just hedging their backsides? I also don’t get why they don’t mention the under reporting factor. It’s super frustrating that we can’t go to one place and get eyes on all of the data And a complete explanation for it.

That’s one reason we appreciate your reporting on it all. I know I can go to your substack if I need some facts. ! Again. Thanks!!!

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I can only assume that the authors couldn't replicate the numbers from the source (an individual subscriber/friend of the Vaccine Impact site. I tried and could not, even with help from the EMA. EUDRA is an Oracle database and is an absolute pig to access. The EMA people were really helpful. They let me know how to find "spontaneous" deaths, but we need all deaths, not just those. The EUDRA system is limited and as bad as VAERS for collecting and disseminating relevant data - the poor old staff at the EMA can barely conceal their e4mpathy and their own frustration with it!

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