Living in History - Ineffective and Unsafe C19 injections mean we are already living with the “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” - pray that it does not morph into "The Land of the Living Dead"
The victors of the ongoing global civil war - between weak minded, dogmatic socialists manipulated by a coterie of megalomaniacs (who should be institutionalized in an insane asylum) and the rest of the 8 billion people on planet earth who simply want to be left alone to pursue life, liberty and happiness - will write the history of the last 3 years.
If socialist and megalomaniacs win the world will turn into the equivalent of a giant “battery chicken” farm. All food, housing and energy will be rationed. Not a world anyone deserves or wants to live in - except the megalomaniacs and weak-minded socialists.
There is plenty of evidence of the failure of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s) that did little to nothing to prevent the transmission of the novel air-borne respiratory virus – SARS-COV2, that causes the C19 disease. Masking, lockdowns and social distancing were each exercises in futility. The RT-PCR test was so useless, even the FDA withdrew emergency use authorization on 21 July 2021, effective 31 December 2021, though it is still used to confirm Rapid Antigen Testing. The trillions of dollars spent were wasted. The result was to tank Trump’s economy that was assuring a 2020 election victory because Trump was the rising tide that floated all boats – see here for changes in real disposable personal income during Trump’s presidency, compared to the flat line for the last 5 years of Obama’s tenure.
The RT-PCR test has no capacity to determine infectiousness – only presence of genome sequences – like shining a torch in the dark onto a car to reveal a headlight and assuming that the headlight works. Any amplification cycle used in the RT-PCR test produces garbage over 24 cycles. Almost all tests are run at 35-40 cycles. Remember the Tanzanian president after samples from a papaya and a goat came back positive? He is now dead, along with 3or four other African leaders. Any correlation with the scepticism they expressed and their deaths is purely coincidental and not necessarily correlated. Story by the left wing comic rag the BBC here.
The question of harms has been addressed here. Suffice to say, the harms are evident (including death) but governments around the world refuse to acknowledge or discuss their extent. Instead discussion is avoided, excuse the analogy, “like the plague”. The article referred to in this paragraph shows that reports of deaths and adverse events from the Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson viral vector C19 injections have received 4-5 times more reports of death than the mRNA C19 injections and 2-5 time more adverse events.
A key question. “Who decided to ban hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc treatment protocol that had shown close to 100% efficacy in treating those with severe C19 symptoms by March 2020 (Dr Zelenko, RIP) or the Ivermectin protocols in May 2020 and, instead, engage in clinical trials of an experimental mRNA technology with no track record of success only harmful failure? It must have been President Trump and his Health Secretary/Chair of the WH C19 Task Force, Alex Azar. Once they authorized the clinical trial, POTUS handed over the presidency to Fauci.
Edit: h/t Peter Collins with this correction:
“4 min agoLiked by Peter Halligan
Peter, thanks for your work!
Just a minor corrective concerning the ban on Hydroxychloroquine. It came from Dr. Rick Bright at the FDA. He was actually carrying out Trump’s order to authorize the drug, but doing so in a way which would be ineffective. Hydroxychloroquine is a drug which blocks the virus from entering human cells so it is effective in preventing infection, but relatively useless after the infection is advanced. Dr Bright’s order limited use of the drug to hospital patients being treated for advanced disease. So, Dr Bright sabotaged Trump’s order.
Subsequently, Dr Bright left the FDA. I am not sure why - he might have been fired. Anyway, he made a safe landing in the Rockefeller organization where he is responsible for pandemic planning.”
This is the same yielding of executive powers that is being determined in the International Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Agreement right now and due to be voted on by the governing council of the UN subsidiary, the WHO, namely, the World Health Assembly.
I suspect the US VAERS under-reporting factor, believed to be around 40 last year, are actually increasing the more remote the adverse events become, from the injection dates. I checked with the EMA and EUDRA has not done any work on under-reporting factors for the C19 mRNA injections.
Thirteen billion doses of C19 injections have been administered globally to 5.5 billion people – 2.4 doses each. For the US, 655 million doses have been administered, equivalent to 2 per capita.
The injections began roll-out in December 2020. At the end of December 2020, the world was told that there had been around 83.5 million cases and 1.9 million deaths with C19 present as determined by an RT-PCR test.
After the first year (2021) of the steadily increasing roll-out of C19 injections globally, cases with C19 present increased by more than 200 million to 290 million and deaths by 3.6 million to 5.5 million.
At this point, the point should have been that at the global level, “the annual rate of cases and deaths has more than doubled over 2021 since the C19 injections were started, compared to 2020 when there were no C19 injections”.
The point was not made anywhere by anyone.
During 2022 with the majority of people globally having completed the “initial course”, global cases with C19 present have risen by a further 360 million to 650 million and deaths by a further (albeit lower increase) 1 million to 6.6 million.
Now, we can ask the questions “How effective are the C19 injections?” and “What would the numbers of cases and deaths with C19 present have been without C19 injections – compared to the estimated from the Phase 3 clinical trials?”
These are the summary outcomes from the Pfizer phase 3 clinical trials for the injected and placebo arms. From page 33 here:
The sole clinical end point of the trials was reduction of disease symptoms (cytokine storms), not hospitalizations and deaths or reduction of infection and transmission, as covered here:
Here is a table of four major countries cases and deaths with C19 present USA, Japan, Germany and the UK.
Refer back to the questions.
The Pfizer phase 3 clinical trial failed to correctly predict the FORCING of variants. The failure is cataclysmic. It was predictable by anyone with half a brain. YOU DO NOT VACCINATE INTO A PANDEMIC. The C!9 injections forced the outbreak of variants that could have been more or less virulent and more or less deadly.
Cases and deaths with C19 present have exploded in all four countries with 20-40% of populations classified as “cases” over the last two years (last column) and deaths up by between 372 per million for Japan and by 2,500 for the UK. This may be a sign of Midazolam + morphine use as a treatment protocol in the UK in 2020. The US has seen an increase of almost 2,200 deaths per million since the first injections were rolled out.
Surprised the smart people In Germany aren’t asking why “Cases” have sky rocketed over 2022, on top of why deaths are not lower in 2022 than 2020.
Questions demand answers. Exactly what Is preventing government enquiries into excess mortality and falling fertility rates in their own countries? Surely it’s not because they are getting kick-backs from big pharma – or – they signed contracts that exceeded their authority to sign and, not only are they stuck with obsolete doses, but have signed their countries up to billions of useless and failed “vaccines” in the future?
Here is a link to an article on unused doses in 8 EU countries. Just the odd quarter of a billion unused and obsolete doses for 444 million Europeans.
Here is an example of the (typical European?) contract signed by a European country Slovenia with Pfizer.
Peter, thanks for your work!
Just a minor corrective concerning the ban on Hydroxychloroquine. It came from Dr. Rick Bright at the FDA. He was actually carrying out Trump’s order to authorize the drug, but doing so in a way which would be ineffective. Hydroxychloroquine is a drug which blocks the virus from entering human cells so it is effective in preventing infection, but relatively useless after the infection is advanced. Dr Bright’s order limited use of the drug to hospital patients being treated for advanced disease. So, Dr Bright sabotaged Trump’s order.
Subsequently, Dr Bright left the FDA. I am not sure why - he might have been fired. Anyway, he made a safe landing in the Rockefeller organization where he is responsible for pandemic planning.
Thank you, Peter for your good work.
Previously published on wattsupwiththat:
The cull of the elderly and poor
We published the important conclusions to this debate in 2002 and nothing has changed:
The alleged Climate Crisis is a fifty-year-old scam, and “green energy” is not green and does not produce much useful energy.
The Climate scammers have wasted trillions of dollars and millions of lives on fraud.
1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”
2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”
– by Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian), Tim Patterson (Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U), Allan MacRae (Professional Engineer, retired (Queen’s U, U of Alberta)
I PUBLISHED ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2002 in the Calgary Herald:
3. “If [as we believe] solar activity is the main driver of surface temperature rather than CO2, we should begin the next cooling period by 2020 to 2030.”
3a. “I suggest global cooling starts by 2020 or sooner. Bundle up.”
[Some say global cooling started in Feb2016, but I prefer Feb2020.]
In 2013 I predicted the current extreme-cold temperatures and green-energy crisis in the UK to within the year:
British Undersecretary for Energy and Climate Change, 31Oct2013
By Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.), M.Eng.
So here is my real concern:
IF the Sun does indeed drive temperature, as I suspect, Baroness Verma, then you and your colleagues on both sides of the House may have brewed the perfect storm.
You are claiming that global cooling will NOT happen, AND you have crippled your energy systems with excessive reliance on ineffective grid-connected “green energy” schemes.
I suggest that global cooling probably WILL happen within the next decade or sooner, and Britain will get colder.
I also suggest that the IPCC and the Met Office have NO track record of successful prediction (or “projection”) of global temperature and thus have no scientific credibility.
I suggest that Winter deaths will increase in the UK as cooling progresses.
I suggest that Excess Winter Mortality, the British rate of which is about double the rate in the Scandinavian countries, should provide an estimate of this unfolding tragedy.
See and my papers listed therein for proof.
Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Calgary
Here is my published Doom-and-Gloom SUMMARY referred to above.
More about:
Potential killer winter on top of acute energy crisis
I think Joe Bastardi and his partner Joe D’Aleo are among the very best long-term weather forecasters, and I take their predictions very seriously. In a personal email to me, Joe wrote, ”It’s dire looking” and I agreed with him.
I recently concluded that “The (Covid-19) vaxxed are screwed”. It’s too late to turn that around; the damage has been done. I feel the same way about the Brits and Germans this winter – if Joe B’s cold forecast holds true, “The elderly and poor of Europe are screwed”. I am not happy about any of this. It was ALL the avoidable result of Covid and Climate false hysteria.
Most scientists are happy when their predictions are correct – I’ll be happy if mine are wrong.
Joe Bastardi's predictions are usually correct. He and his partner, my co-author Joe D'Aleo are two of the best weather forecasters on the planet, in terms of their strong predictive track records. This is especially true of their long-term forecasts.
On 20Sep2022, Joe Bastardi wrote me noting his concern for a very cold Europe this winter.
I wrote
"I wanted this Summary published because, IF I am correct and there is a huge cull of the elderly and poor this winter, I want these pseudo-green killers in Britain and Germany to be prosecuted.
There is a powerful logic that says no rational person or group could be this utterly obtuse, this wrong, for this long – they knew what they were doing."
From my 28July2022 comment:
The big cull of the elderly of Europe will happen this winter – we predicted it in 2002 and 2013 – it was all terribly costly – in dollars and lives – and all entirely avoidable – a willful squandering of the lives of innocents. Crimes against humanity.