Oh and forgot to mention regarding that esteemed professor of economics. China has been mothballing thousands of EV's to fudge their numbers. You can't get away with creating an oversupply just because you want to.appear to be a "leader"but that's the norm in that central control economy. Waste, huge waste. They even built as I recall, their version of 15 minute cities with apartments that are still unoccupied. We are now doing the same shit with "Housing Authorities" at both the federal and state levels attempting to drive markets. The result is some of the most unaffordable white elephants that nobody can afford without the feds and states again stepping in with monthly housing stipends. Who benefits? Certainly not the single family homedweller who is now saddled with both higher property taxes (check you local bond issues that passed nationally for affordable and even tiny homes) and increasing federal taxes. So take a pick, Marxism with poor state market signalling and waste or Capitalism taken over by state market manipulation. Both ways are now killing society but perhaps thats why you need the jabs and euthanasia programs.

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here's a take on the China eV market from June last year


How much debt did the Federal government take on - all robo-signed by Linda Green?

No government anywhere has any intention of paying down debt - what isn't repaid is actually theft - I think the Chinese have learned how to do that from the West - they produce volume and if it isn't sold? Hide it!

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A full on Marxist enomonist.

He made the rounds to places like Evergreen College. Remember the Weinsteins from there?

Just let me amend my Constitution to remove personhood rights from corporations and Foundations for starters to reinvent capitalism. I refuse to participate in top down Marxist globalism as a new way forward.

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