So still close to 40. There was a study some time ago (2 years?), that came up with a URF of about 20. And in the early days I considered it. But after seeing all the various stories of suppression, people with injuries being told that were crazy (like literally), and all the rest, 40 seemed to be quite reasonable.

35? I guess. Think i will stay with ~40 for the time being, it's not like things have changed out there all that much.

I think it is also possible that 40 could be too low, but when you try a lot higher for some things it also starts to seem unreasonable. But I would imagine that also for some things higher than 40 might be correct. Kinda of a guessing game in a way.

To bad the folks that are supposedly "responsible" for such things don't care at all.

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Yes. I posted four other ways to get to a URF - not for only deaths, but for all - in the article below

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/c19-injection-global-death-toll-somewhere between 9 million and 45 million. Injuries somewhere between 840 million and 4.2 billion (multiple injuries per person)

Have to scroll a fair way down the prior link, but here are other URF estimates.

Horowitz estimated 30

Kirsch, Rose et al 41

A reconciliation of V-Safe to VAERS got to 60

Lazarus report was 100

Links to each reposted below for ease.


https://jessicar.substack.com/p/the-under-reporting-factor-in-vaers which has an embedded hyhperlink to this detailed piece https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Deaths.pdf



My own view is that the URF for VAERS has increased to around 60 - as the time since the last injection recedes. I also think that the URF for the EUDRA in Europe is around that number or higher.

Certainly the Astra Zeneca injection had 4-5 times more reports of deaths reported in to Europe and this injection was widely used throughout India for example.

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/eudra-shows-4-5-times-more-deaths and adverse events reported per million doses for viral vector C19 "vaccines" compared to mRNA C19 "vaccines" - media silence continues

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/did-the-roll-out-of-approximately 350 million doses in India between April-July 2021 cause 3.7 million deaths?

The Chinese are not crowing about either the safety or efficacy of their vaccines. So, my guess is that either safety or efficacy or both are worse than the C19 mRNA injections or the AZN viral vector injections.

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Thanks Peter, much appreciated. Saved.

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