Just a few days to go and it looks like independents will decide the elections in the US as the reducing gap in registered voters and early voting is driving the pollsters mad!
We know what happens if “kneepad” Harrs the cackler wins. Th US will “turn the page” on the cacklers failures and let her fail even bigger, and remain drowning in ever increasing mountains of debt, open borders, the sponsorship of the unsafe and ineffective “vaxx mania” that has gripped the country for decades AND the borders will remain open until the country is completely over-run with VOTING migrant beggars from the far-flung corners of the planet.
On top of that there will be the enforcement of, and compliance with, policies invented for debunked “net zero” dogma that cause ever creasing utility bills to way beyond the current 5 times the price of hydrocarbon (fossil) fuels. Just planting trees in barren areas would cost next to nothing and would not remove millions of acres of prime, food producing land – whilst increasing soil toxicity, killing animal and sea life and destroying entire ecosystems.
We can contemplate the “audacious” marketing of the Cult of Moloch’s word weaponisation. I am of the age when I can still recall when doorstep singing “Don we now are gay apparel” from “God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen, let nothing you dismay” did not invoke mages of ugly fat-asses twerking at under 11-year-olds in “drag queen story hour”. Those were the days, right?
We are insulted with many abuses of the English language by the Cult.
Instead of accusations of “you are a liar” to people like Tim Walz for falsely claiming to have been a head coach, the false valour of carrying weapons into combat and being preset at Tiananmen Square – the MSM simply lets it slide when he says, “I misspoke”. Eye roll here! Walz did not “misspeak” – HE LIED!
But there are other bacterizations of the English language.
Take the word “information”. Now information is a neutral descriptive term, but when you add the prefixes “mis”, “dis” and “mal” in front and then seek to censor ad imprison those who publish “information” with one of these, we are at a whole new level of cruel and ignorant fascism last seen under the Nazi regime in WW2
Notice the projection onto Trump of the measures pursued by the Democratic Party?
What’s next for “prefixation”?
Maybe the words “data”, “statistics” and “evidence”.
“Disdata” (not Datdata!), Misdata and Maldata?
“Misstatisitcs” (mot MrStatisitics or XiStatistics), “Dissstatistics”, and Malstatisitics?
“Misevidence”, “Disevidence” (not Datevidence) and “Malevidence”?
We can examine the term “Climate Change” – what does that even mean? There is a climate, ok, and it changes, ok again – so why is it an issue? The climate always changes. The changes to the climate are far more impacted by the behaviour of the Sun. How about taxing everyone because the Moon is moving away from the Earth at 1.5 inches a year? Think of the impact on tides and currents! Let’s tax that! Maybe we can slow its departure by a few feet in the next 100 years! Does anyone know what the “ideal” global average temperature SHOULD be, or how to measure it? What proportion is not going to change at all, within that average - and which areas are going to go up or down by more or less within that “average”?
You really have to wonder how the climate freaks chanting “The end of the world is (Bill) nigh” like 5-year-olds just before their macaroni sculpture class, justify anything they do in the face of evidence to the contrary by these far more qualified to venture and opinion.
Reminds of this song from one of the favourite bands of my youth.
Tom Tom Club -- Wordy Rappinghood Video HQ
Many of the marketing slogans of the Cult are simply brazen lies – such as the Inflation Reduction Act – which did nothing to reduce inflation and in fact increased with the “green new deal” measures. Inflation SHOULD have reduced to levels close to those before the C19 scamdemic but have gone on rising. This impacts the poorest in society the most. ne50 dollar a week increase in prices when you had 20 bucks a week left over is far more significant than when you had 500 bucks a week left over.
Renewable energy companies get paid a million bucks per wind turbine and “rent” arable land (in some cases enforced by nearby city politicians and their swamp bureaucrats) for 15,000 bucks per turbine, leaving the farm owner with the bill for clearing up when the ugly, useless and already obsolescent turbines and solar panel plantations when they break down, catch fire or are ruined by weather events like hailstorms, tornadoes or hurricanes – or the blades of offshore wind turbines just break off and render pristine beaches unusable (after killing and driving off the whales, dolphins, sharks and fish out at sea).
Let’s not even start wth all the EV owners recharging their EV batteries with “fossil fuel” generated electricity, when they plug in their chargers!
Clown world – plant some trees, or perversely remove food production in favour of the blight of monstrous and ugly “renewable energy” devices. Remember there are 3 trillion trees on the planet that already remove twice as much CO2 as mankind produces – if you believe the numbers from OurWorldinData for man’s emissions.
Exactly what is “renewable” about strip-mining rare-earth minerals and metal ores for the components of the technology?
Which would you rather have – a few hundred billion more trees (with all the useful products they produce when properly looked after) that cost next to nothing, or trillions of dollars spent on “renewables” that multiply the price of your energy bills by five times or more and remove food production whilst killing off entire species of birds, bees, bats and ocean life, like whales?
Check out an example of the blatant and rampant corruption of the Biden/Harris EPA here:
An election outturn in favour of the socialist/Marxist/blob/swamp/Cult of Moloch global fascists ludicrously represented by sock puppets like Biden and Harris – spells the end of the US.
The first step of the libtard demoNrats would be to consolidate power by granting DC and Puerto Rico electoral status – the next would be to grant citizenship to all the migrant beggars trafficked over the last four years, and, of course, the tens of millions prior. All Democratic Party voters?
All impacting the bottom half of the income demographic of course – competing for the same food banks and cheaper accommodation. The kids of the migrant beggars are already slowing down and will continue to slow down the learning rates of America kids, the migrant beggars will place a strain on health resources plus every other resource you can think of.
Hotels are full now, full of migrant beggars paid for with taxes, guaranteed taxes – not paid for with people wishing to grow their businesses or attend sports events, plays and concerts etc.
The war in Ukraine will likely escalate should the Cackler win. She is a sock puppet, people like Blinken will push for escalation and more hundreds of billions for a war they started in 2014 and escalated with the dual-purpose bio-research labs run by the CIA, USAID, the DoD, EcoHealth Alliance, Metabiota and Labyrinth deep inside Ukraine.
One of the most, if not the most corrupt country on planet Earth. The corruption is, of course, what attracted the Biden crime syndicate there in the first place. The Democratic Party the had to project their ow crimes onto Trump ad impeach him for a second time, after impeaching for the treason committed by Hillary Clinton the first time!
Speaking of Ukraine, here’s a few updates:
Douglas Macgregor: Odessa in Ruins - Russian Missiles Devastate Key Ukrainian Bridges!
It occurs to me that NATO countries providing arms to Ukraine have no defence against hypersonic nuclear missiles or the rapid advances made in drone technology. Defenceless cities and seats of government/bureaucracy!
From Brave AI:
“While the Gerbera drone is often referred to as the “younger sister” of the Shahed-136, it has distinct capabilities and tasks. The Gerbera is designed for electronic reconnaissance, kamikaze attacks, and decoy missions, whereas the Shahed-136 is primarily used for loitering munitions.”
That Shaeed-136 technology was transferred from Iran and rebranded as the Geran drone, again from Brave AI:
· “The Geran drone is a suicide drone, designed to attack ground targets from a distance
· Russia has heavily relied on the Geran drone in its invasion of Ukraine
· The Geran drone has been used to strike Ukrainian infrastructure, including howitzers and BTRs
· Ukraine and its Western allies consider the Geran-2 drones to be redesignated Iranian-made Shahed-136 drones
· Russia has also developed the Gerbera drone, a new long-range type with radar-absorbent material and multirole capabilities”
Iran is about to launch its attack in retaliation to Israel’s attack which was in retaliation … you know the rest. Perhaps that will be an attack of a million drones with some (Russian) hypersonic missile technology mixed in, like last time.
No news on the (15,000?) North Koreans deployed against the Ukrainian forces that have invaded Russia. Way to get combat zone experience.
So, what happens if Trump wins?
Well, we can expect dramatic falls in prices of food and energy. A de-escalation of the wars in Ukraine and Middle East – maybe. I sense that only convicted felons will be deported, leaving the odd 20 million beggars in the US to continue sucking resources needed by Americans.
All positive. But what about the foot soldiers of the Democratic Party – BLM ad Antifa? Will they riot and create Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) districts within cities (the Seattle one morphed into the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, CHAZ).
Will the next two-bit, go-nowhere, do nothing junkie killed by police escalate into BLM riots that cost local residents tens of millions in compensation? How about antifa in Portland, Oregon? Is that going to “flare up” again as it did when Rittenhouse was acquitted exactly three years ago?
Lastly, way beyond the wilful ignorance and malpractice of the CDC/FDA in authorising the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections in a week – when hundreds of dedicated people in the Daily Clout team took three years to discover all the harms inflicted – I am shocked at the lack of interest now in the public domain about the murder – euthanasia? – of the elderly in April 2020, prior to the injections in the UK.
Cuomo is under the spotlight.
House panel to refer ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo for criminal charges - POLITICO
All this is related to work done over a year ago by Dr. Jessica Hockett and Professor Martin Neil of “Show me the numbers” SubStack fame, amongst other places!
(100) So, what actually happened in NYC over the 11 weeks spanning April 2020?
“90% of New York excess deaths occurred in just 11 weeks.”
Well, the wilful blindness of prosecutorial bodies is not restricted to the hubris of one narcissistic NYC mayor. The UK has similar evidence that is ignored by all and sundry in the health “authorities” and the MSM in the UK.
If a murder is committed and the bodies cremated, did a murder occur?
Largest increase in deaths v the smallest 3 amongst over 300 health districts:
The extra deaths in Enfield, Epping Forest and Ashford were triple normal, whilst you can barely notice increases in Bolsover, Bournemouth and Yarmuth (I omitted UK districts with decreases in mortality in April 2020 compared to March 2020).
Does anyone care? Nope! Any lessons learned for best practise? Hall no. Only medics involved with handing out treatments and designating cause of death. No police and no prosecutions.
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America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. -Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President (1809-1865)
Thank you Peter a very clear 'round up' (in the original sense of the word.)
A new term came to me the other day, and it describes the way the Abusers have changed our verbal pictures of the world ..
MISTINFORMATION wafts and eddies around the mounds of pain and destruction they have created shaping and obscuring the real picture.
I used to call it mirror speak but it has now transformed too much for that label.