SV40 segments have been found in the injections - is there more yet to be found? Is there another - blank - segment in the circular frame?
From here at 47 minute mark?
Check out the south east, bottom right segment of this circular frame..
What’s that all about? What’s in it?
Here’s the McKernan analysis on the left v what Ws disclosed to the EM.
Key message - how Pfizer got past regulators. Easy - drown them in hundreds of pages of technical documents so you can hide this sort of thing. (How many more issues like this have not yet come to light?)
“There was a different assay used to measure the RNA, to that used to measure the DNA, and it looks like an intent to deceive. Deliberately making the amount of DNA contamination look smaller then it is, to pass the regulations. This batch has a lot of adverse events recorded against it.”
Omitting the highest risk factor that is dangerous to human health.
SV40 is not in Moderna, but Moderna has worse adverse events!
Lots of great and detailed notes in the Rumble link (click “Show more”
Here’s the links to the reference papers:
Papers and Websites referenced in the Interview;
David Speicher and colleagues. (2023)
“DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events” OSF Preprints.
Kevin McKernan and colleagues (2023)
“Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer 590 mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose” OSF Preprints
University of South Carolina Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC.
CDC Historical Vaccine Safety Concerns. Simian Virus 40 (SV40)
Kevin McKernan Substack.
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