Wow Peter, you've been referenced! Dr. Roger likes your math skills: "20 million Dead & 2 Billion in the hands of the Gods!!" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/K47domML53Ds/ - - only an excerpt of a longer Canadian interview.

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Yes, that was referencing one of my first articles - from 2022 - 19 August - that Roger references a dew weeks after in that interview.


Tempus fugit!

One death per thousand doses is one estimate, but the range of possible deaths and harms is huge.

Here is one way of looking at it from an article I posted in November 2022


For more advanced countries (US, EU, UK, Oz, Canada, maybe Japan and Korea) the under-reporting of events for injection deaths and injuries is crucial.


One thing is for sure, Astra Zeneca was pulled after around 6-8 months in 2021 because it was deadlier than the other two - still deadly - injections


A UK professor just stated that the UK's URF is around 50 (just 2% of events reported) for the "Yellow Card" system.

Others have told me that they think the URF for EUDRA is at least 70 - maybe because in Germany if you report an injury, and you inflicted it, you are liable.

We may be able to pin down and estimate data for advanced countries, but the highest single country death toll is likely to be India - the largest manufacturer of around 80% of over 2.2 billion doses administered is the Serum Institute - which injected the AZN formulation under license.

I conjecture that the kill rate for AZN is not one per thousand doses, but one per 200-250.

If correct, this would imply around 10 million dead in India (v around 676,000 at one death per thousand doses for the US which has a little under a quarter of India's population).

All this excludes Russia - which worked closely with AZN - and China. - China had its own supposedly "traditional" vaccines - but - why would China not trumpet relative success v the mRNA injections and be seeking to bring Moderna to China? China administered over 3 billion doses. - I shudder to think that it suffered one death per thousand doses = 3 million, let alone one in 200 doses - 15 million!

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Hi Peter, China is importing Moderna's technology. My guess is their traditional shots did not work, as the Chinese population in several major cities, experienced a major covid rebound (to Omicron??) last fall 2022. And there's more. Did you see the link I posted for you several days ago? Dr Malone recently posted a 2-part interview/discussion he had with Dr Jay Battacharya where he gives more background, with history into failed trials of adenovirus trials for HIV back in 1998 or 1999. According to Dr Malone, Dr Fauci was furious with Rick Bright at BARDA (at the time, 2019-20), separately funding developments of A-Z's and Janssen's (J&J) shots, as serious concerns about that technology had already been demonstrated. Its background info only a few, like Dr. Malone, would know. Here's a link again: Episode 12: Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (Part 2) - https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/cp/136002600 - - scroll down in article to find part 1.

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Yes, China had a huge surge in the run-up to their New Year - (Year of the Rabbit).

Didn't hear much more about it after March 2023


I skipped the Malone piece - though it sounds as if Fauci at least prevented the especially toxic AZN injection from being administered in the US?

(No link at the bottom of your comment?)

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Did you find the link? Had a delay so here it is again: Episode 12: Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (Part 2) - - https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/cp/136002600 - - and scroll down in the post to find part 1. In part 1, Dr. Robert Malone outlines vaccine history many of us simply never heard before. So much is coming out, however, not a good time to skip over as his timeline explains more than why AZ was never rolled out in the US...and in part 2, what he thinks has happened to US dominance in vaccines. Raises interesting points for the future.

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Everyone in DC is bought & paid for it seems.

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And not one from the RNC about the suffering of millions from this Faucci bought and paid for with our tax dollars MONSTER of a “vaccine”....can not hide this

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If Covid has taught us anything, it is that watching people die is not hard.

It is watching people make stupid decisions

- that causes them to die - that fucking kills you.


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- From Thomas Lewis

Clowns To The Left Of Me ...

Jokers To The Right ...

Here I Am:



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You're right on the money there.

Trying to save people from themselves.......its futile, and heartbreaking.

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Yesss! How did you do that! :>)

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