Sitemap - 2022 - Peter’s Newsletter
Another week, another 275 US deaths reported to VAERS amongst 3,337 adverse events
For Auld Lang Syne - Happy New Year everybuddy!
The "Russians are coming" for Fauci, Collins, the Democratic Party and others
Side-track - A starter C19 Mix tape – Use it for your NY party and compile your own!
Live C19 debate on twitter now
Countries with the top 10 highest and lowest population mortality rates with C19 “present”
Do we need a GiveSendGo account with a target of 14 billion bucks for the uninsured vaxx injured?
Another week, another 148 deaths reported to VAERS amongst another 2,389 adverse events
India looks over its shoulder at rapidly rising BF7 case rates In nearby countries
Listen to a live debate on twitter here:
Spotted this article on the Ukraine war. Posted verbatim without comment.
A German panel debates the C19 response and 19% excess mortality
One-time donation can be made through Ko-Fi:
Want to sign up to a pure blood website? Here is a list of FAQ
Another week, another 149 deaths reported to VAERS amongst another 3,142 adverse events
A tribute to Angelo Codevilla, who died in September 2021, aged 78
The pandemic of the vaccinated gets bigger.
I hesitate to bring this story because of Baby Will, but this is a story about Baby Alex
Hmm. Warning signals about C19 in China from commentators in the financial sector
A report from Clown World - COVID-19 vaccines saved US $1.15 trillion, 3 million lives in the US
A reminder - there are no C19 controls or restrictions on the southern border
Treatments for fibrous blood clots caused by mRNA injections
Timeline of a genocide by neglect and poison
The "Twitter Files" part 3 - in case you are interested!
Baby Will operation completed with "pure blood"?
This is what the "Cult of Moloch" has in store - "Climate Change Lockdowns" and "Assisted suicide"
Duke refuses kidney transplant because the dying 14 year old girls is unvaxxed
Live C19 injections - hearings with Sen Johnson now
Karen Kingston continues to do fantastic forensic work on the criminality of C19 mRNA injections
The false pandemic and the pandemic of the vaccinated - four phases of "C19"
The horse has bolted, leave the stable door open and get it back inside
Even more evidence that MASKS DO NOT WORK
Actions have consequences. A half hour video of what anti-genocide warriors are fighting for.
Canadian doctors reject engaging in medical malpractice and human rights abuses
Chinese queuing for hours in freezing weather to get a flu shot. Insane.
Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 patients with saline instead of covid vaccine walks free
How to deal with climate freaks
Iran against the USA - Soccer World Cup 2022
UK 2021 Census data is out - fun fact time!
95% of people in the US have been infected with C19 at least once.
Another week, another 104 Americans reported dead to VAERS, 3,033 injuries
The need for analysis of excess mortality and its correlation with C19 injections grows more urgent
Well, d'uh - WaPo publishes story that it is now a pandemic of the "vaccinated"
Thank you very much for your kind donation - NOT plus are skeeters the new C19 mRNA delivery method?
Great interview between CHD and Norman Fenton
Another week, another 215 US deaths reported to VAERS and 3,179 US adverse events
Differences between the SARS-COV2 spike protein and the C19 mRNA spike protein
Democide in New Zealand - "I am from the Government and I am here to kill you"
Big pharma, the CDC/FDA/NIH/NAIAD/WHO criminal cartel worship Moloch - infanticide and child abuse
Humanity goes on trial in public at 8.30 am on 18 November 2022 in Denver, Colorado
Adverse events - another week, another 93 US deaths and 3,243 US adverse events reported on VAERS
In the UK, those boosted with C19 mRNA injections die more than twice as fast
US mid-term election results rigged
Some more info on CRISPr and DREADS - for good or evil.
Dr John Campbell picks up the story that SARS-COV2 had been circulating in September 2019
Oh look, Pfizer/BioNTech is developing a combined mRNA C19 and flu shot
Vaccine damage - How long has this been going on?
C19 Summary data for the 21 countries with populations of more than 68 million
Australian genocide in progress?
Russia presents 310 pages of evidence of US and Ukraine violations of biological weapons conventions
It has begun - Compo for vaxx injured in Australia
Uh Oh, leading world virology expert has a dire warning - the only hope is unvaxxed children
A rebuttal to the 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injuries (multiple per person) claim
Ben Shapiro has an epiphany as he realizes he has been lied to about "vaccines"
Karen Kingston annihilates the Pfizer clinical trial and removes Pfizers legal liability shield
7-minute video showing huge "spike" in excess mortality in Germany (plus Australia and US charts)
The EU ploughs ahead with C19 "vaccines" subjugating the EU to the incompetent WHO
More unambiguous warnings from top medics
Sacked for refusing the vaxx? NY State Supreme Court rules that is "arbitrary and capricious"!
Liberation for NY City Workers!
Let's pray this conspiracy theory does not turn into conspiracy fact - worms and nanobots
A trip down memory lane: Russia accused the US DNC globalists of causing the pandemic
EUDRA adverse events excluding deaths up to 22 October 2022, by age cohort and manufacturer
Unused doses in the top 8 EU countries
Curious about all the patents and trade secrets behind the technology of C19 injections?
Swiss to destroy 14 million doses of obsolete and dangerous injections
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - Canary in the Coal Mine?
Baric did it - Fauci paid for him to do it
Gurgle Gurgle - India disposes of 100 million doses of expired Astra Zeneca C19 doses
25 Page Pfizer contract to EU member state, Slovenia
Conspiracy theory - the reason why governments are suppressing all discussion around C19 "vaccines"
Update on the Brook Jackson whistle-blower case published on 10 October 2022
What are the relative health outcomes of the CDC advisory committee patients?
Return to the scene of the crime - the Phase 3 Pfizer clinical trials of late 2020
Submit your comments to the CDC's advisory committee on "shots for tots" here
Halt the ABOMINATION of child sacrifice for big pharma blood money and protection from liability
What happened to 4.3 billion doses in NZ, Australia, Canada, UK, EU and the US?
Excess deaths in Australia 17% to June 2022
The flip side of C19 propaganda
26 deaths and 3,232 injuries reported to VAERS for the new bivalent injections (COVID19-2)
Recall of Moderna C19 Injections?
Pfizer fraudulently misrepresented the end points in its clinical trial
Why the shock about the C19 Pfizer injection NOT preventing transmission?
Europe and WHO warn of new C19 epidemic this winter
Australian government - C19 drug dealer
607 million recoveries from 628 million cases globally
C19 Injections are four times worse than the WHO's declaration of a PHEIC - so far
Comparison of C19 for Haiti, Sweden, New Zealand and USA During 2022
Analysis of 13 months UK data shows "vaccines" cause more deaths for all age groups
Liberation for 18-39 year old male Floridians
Has the UK Government falsified the number of the "vaccinated"?
Western Australia goes full "vaxx nazi"
If only HCQ and IVM protocols had been used instead of "vaccines"
Some V-Safe data (finally) released
Causes of death for 2020 and 2021 compared to 2019
287,000 Extra deaths beyond CoVID-19 fatalities
Liberation from C19 "vaccines" for all Swedish children
"You feeling lucky, punk? Well do ya?"
Murder Hearing against Bill Gates et al on 22 November 2022 in Bombay High Court
"Call to arms" - The Spike Wars
600 million recoveries from 620 million cases
SARS-COV2 was in Italy 9 months BEFORE the WHO declared a PHEIC
The Economist estimates up to 27 million excess deaths during the pandemic
Gates captured the gate-keepers
Orient v Occident Cases and Deaths
Hydroxychloroquine blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry into the endocytic pathway in mammalian cell culture
A deeper dive on Remdesivir (aka "Run Death is Near"
Excess Deaths in Europe more than double from 7% for May and June 2022 to 16% for July 2022
Court rules CDC must release V-Safe data
Eliminating social media censorship heads to the Supreme Court
In Trudeau's Canada, MAID = abortion for the elderly and infirm
UK abandons "Russian Roulette" CoVID-19 injections for under 11's
Censorship - the suppression of truth and ideas
Criminal Prosecutions begin for Remdesivir treatments causing death
From the CoVID-19 lies, damned lies and statistics files
Criminals withholding evidence?
Another great article from the Brownstone Institute
Liberation for Danish under 50's!!!
2 minutes of the (shocking) truth from Dr Ryan Cole
Send a 90 second video to the WHO in the next 4 days with pandemic comments
Doctors around the world declare an international medical crisis caused by CoVID-19 injections
Are you happy with your "lot" in life? How about your 6-17 year old child or under 5 year old?
More evidence that injection deaths are massively undercounted and exceed CoVID-19 deaths
Macaques, hamsters and mice - Oh my
Up to 30,000 unvaxxed 18-29 year olds must be boosted to prevent ONE hospitalization
Australian Government blackmails teachers to get useless "vaccine"
English version required of early treatment discovery!
WEF - white collar criminals or moronic Don Quixotes
ICYMI - The FDA/CDC + MSM/Social Media killed people with lies about Ivermectin
How many people have 6 feet of bloodclots - post vaxx
Pierre Kory - speaking truth to power
China has an inhaler for CoVID-19
Where do 200 million scrapped CoVID-19 doses end up
We are all "vaccinated" - whether we like it or not
Sign up, save lives - convict racketeers
Not using Ivermectin is killing people
Ask not for who the bell tolls
pssst.. wannabe a whistleblower
The "new and yet to be disproved" injection is here
Bait and switch - anatomy of fraud
CDC spends millions on wokeness
Dr John Campbell examines UK excess deaths
Israeli government found guilty of genocide
Animal reservoirs or oceans or puddles?
how many whistles have not been blown?
Covid19 remedies - the legal ones
Just how many Brits have died from injections?
correlation does not equal causation
UK Vaxxed twice as likely to die
The spike protein is toxic - so is its delivery mechanism
Germans benchmark excess mortality post injections
About those Pfizer and Moderna Phase 3 clinical trials
Vera Sharav - Holocaust survivor
Data suggests CoVID19 injections causes non-CoVID19 excess mortality
feature length movie of the scamdemic
20 million saved or 20 million killed
Thai pre-print study on Pfizer/BioNtech injections in adolescents
Sorting out CoVID-19 truth, lies and omissions
Benchmarking the impact of "vaccines"